Eyes On Fire Exhibition

Eyes On Fire Exhibition

For the first time, in what seems a very long time, I am exhibiting in a group show!

Friends Indeed opened on Friday night at the new Eyes on Fire gallery which has been created by iconic New Zealand artist FLOX. FLOX has always maintained a philosophy of “making art for the people” and making her art accessible which has seen her take her own artistic lane by avoiding the traditional artist/gallery relationship. She created Eyes on Fire as a gallery space for artists, by artists.

25 artist friends have created 25 unique pieces of art, each on a 50x50 board. I took Arlo along to the opening on Friday night and it is a great show! I can’t even remember the last time I went to an in-person art event. I got to reconnect with a bunch of old faces, and connect in person with a bunch of people I’ve only ever connected with over Instagram. Sometimes I look back on the last (almost) 4 years and wonder “what the hell happened?”. It has been such a challenging journey and my creative practice has been a real rollercoaster, so to be included in this group show really means the world.




My piece is called “A Place We Might Have Been” which has echoes of places I once travelled to overseas, adventures with friends, warm European summer nights, but doesn’t depict a particular place because it all seems like a bit of a blur from a former life a long time ago! This piece took me on a real journey because it turned out nothing like I thought it would.

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