From a place of privilege

From a place of privilege

2020 sure is bringing a lot of massive issues to the forefront of our minds. I am a white New Zealander. This instantly gives me an enormous amount of privilege. Our son is white. He has blonde hair and blue eyes and is completely delicious. That is how he was born, and therefore has been born into a huge amount of privilege.

The fact that we have been able to move into a lovely new home, that I have a new studio space, is extremely privileged. It doesn’t mean life has been smooth sailing, the last year has thrown a number of curveballs at us. But the colour of our skin has never been the cause of any issues.

Since Arlo was born I have tried to learn and research everything I can about raising kids to be kind, respectful, accepting humans. As parents it is our responsibility to raise good humans. No child is born racist, or full of violence and hate.

These issues don’t just affect the US, it is here in NZ, Australia, all over the world.

We should be doing everything we can to educate ourselves, to support others, to amplify voices that are under represented. And be raising good kids, because it starts at home. It is a privilege to be able to educate yourself on racism rather than experience it.



These are a couple of the pieces I created during lockdown inspired by our bubbles. But to me they also feel like a reflection of our planet, a perfect circle or sphere, filled with life and chaos and a melting pot of cultures.



I hope Arlo can grow up in a better future. I am making a commitment to keep educating myself, to learn and listen and to keep raising him to be an awesome, caring, loving and accepting human.

K xx

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