In 2015 a group of New Zealand artists, who celebrate the craft of hand painted typography, got together and put on an awesome exhibition in Wellington.
I was so stoked to be asked to be part of this group in 2015, and even more so to bring it back for another round in 2019. The talented Larissa McMillian was an organising machine getting everything and everyone together for another exhibition.
In recent years the global visual arts community has witnessed a renaissance in the art of hand-lettering and signage. On home-shores, these artists work to pay homage to this near-forgotten art-form as they create quality original stylings of the alphabet, surpassing that which can be replicated with digital printing and vinyl.
GASP | @_g_a_s_p_
HOLLY ROCCK | @hollyrocck
MOSEY | @_mosey_
MARCUS WATSON | @marcuswatsoncreative_
TAWCK GBAK | @tawck_gbak
ROSS LIEW | @mroscarlow
NIGEL ROBERTS | @dagarmedia
SEAN DUFFELL | @sean_duffell
LARISSA MCMILLAN | @larissamcm
SAM BURTON | @sure.shot
KELLY SPENCER | @kell.sunshine
KATE HURSTHOUSE | @katehursthouse
The line up of artists was epic, and I am always so happy to be included in this list. I pulled together two new original artworks, working from our kitchen table, a big change to last year when I had my own studio. Unfortunately I couldn’t make it down to Wellington for the closing party, which, like always, looked super fun!

You can follow the Inscribable community on Instagram - @inscribable
Inscribable 2.0 - A show of hand painted type
OPEN: Monday 15th - Saturday 20th July. 10am -6pm daily.
CLOSING PARTY: Saturday 6pm - 11pm 20th July